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How It Works...
1. Contact Us


submit form, email, or call 

2. We View the House


We coordinate a good time to view your property 

YES?           NO?
3. We Make a Cash Offer


Accept our cash offer 

4. You Get PAID!


You get paid cash!

Like we've mentioned, when you work with us there are no fees.. there are no extra hidden cost and we buy the house in As-Is condition saving you money on repair cost.


Timeframe: Once we get your info, we're usually able to make you a fair cash offer within 24hrs. From there, we can close as quickly as 7 - 10 days 

We buy houses in ANY condition AS-IS

Which means you save on repair cost

No need to fix it up before selling

We will give you a fair offer

We will look at the numbers to give you

the best no obligation offer possible

All transactions are secure

We work with reputable Title Companies 

Escrow holds your check until we close

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